Strokes For Stroke At Mall At Wellington Green


The American Heart Association/American Stroke Association, in partnership with Wellington Regional Medical Center and Medtronic, held “Strokes for Stroke” to commemorate World Stroke Day on Sunday, Oct. 29 at the Mall at Wellington Green.

Art Cellar Wellington led a painting activity, and there were other interactive activities to learn more about the signs and symptoms of stroke. Strokes are the fifth most common cause of death and top cause of preventable disability.

Among those in attendance was Sheri Kovalsky, who suffered a hemorrhagic stroke one year ago after experiencing a severe pain in her head for several hours. She decided to go to the emergency room at Wellington Regional Medical Center, where she was diagnosed and treated. Due to her decision to seek quick medical treatment, she spent 15 days in the hospital and recovered with no disability or medical setbacks.

The letters FAST — face drooping, arm weakness, speech difficulty and time to call 911 — is a way to recognize and respond to someone suffering a stroke.