Palm Beach Central Debaters Earn Trophies

Forty-six Palm Beach Central High School debaters recently competed at Seminole Ridge High School against more than 300 students from 20 schools in 11 different events. Palm Beach Central winners are as follows: Anson Lau, sixth place in Student Congress; Charlie Richstone, fifth place in Novice Original Oratory; Tyler Hoffman, third place in Lincoln-Douglas Debate; Garrett Gouveia, second place in Novice Original Oratory; Dominc LaFlame and Vanessa Phan, third place in Duo Interpretation of Literature; Gillian Gouveia and Brianna Garcon, second place in Duo Interpretation of Literature; Joevante Jean and Marlana Lawrence, first place in Duo Interpretation of Literature; John Jennings, second place in Lincoln-Douglas Debate; and Analy Arteaga and Medjie Norbrun, sixth place in Duo Interpretation of Literature. Shown above are the debaters with their trophies.