Polo Park Students Shine At Science Fair

Polo Park Middle School science teacher and science fair coordinator Shaun Stabler with science fair participants.

Every year, students from all over Palm Beach County participate in the Palm Beach Regional Science & Engineering Fair. Competing in the fair requires students to conceive, design, conduct, evaluate and report on a science experiment. Students begin by submitting a research proposal to their teacher for approval. The issues that must be included in the proposal include the environment, safety, participants, materials and real-world applications.

The fair’s 61st annual awards ceremony took place Thursday, Jan.18 at Santaluces High School. Eight Polo Park Middle School students were recognized as winners.

Rafael Casanova-Silva received an award from the Office of Naval Research for producing and presenting a quality science or engineering project. Maya Crawford received an award from the U.S. Air Force for producing and presenting a quality science or engineering project. Daniel Coley received an award from the U.S. Submarine Veterans of South Florida for producing and presenting a quality science or engineering project. Jennifer Stein and Rafael Casanova-Silva both received second-place awards in the category of chemistry, Sydney Showalter took a third-place award in the category of physics, and Ryan Snider received a third-place award in the engineering category. Ben Thaw and Daniel Coley were awarded fourth place in the categories of mathematics/computational systems and physics. Finally, Ben Bostwick and Maya Crawford received fourth-place awards in the engineering category.