Mini-Mester Events At Berean Christian School

Berean Students in Costa Rica.

Each year during the week just prior to spring break, students at Berean Christian School participate in what is known as “Mini-Mester.” This is a week dedicated to serving others in a tangible way or participating in a beneficial educational off-campus trip.

Traditionally, the freshman class travels to Los Angeles, Calif., and serves with the Dream Center, ARC and more. The senior class travels internationally to Costa Rica with Joshua Expedition to participate in mission work, including building a house for a needy family. The extra bonus of the trip always includes bonding time as a class just nine weeks away from graduation.

Other high school students tour various colleges throughout Florida and even as far as Georgia, as they begin to contemplate college decisions. Still, other students participate in local mission opportunities as they venture out to help in the community in the greater West Palm Beach area.

All of these out-of-class experiences give the students a chance to serve, get to know each other better and fellowship with their teachers in a different setting.

To learn more about Mini-Mester, or any program at Berean, visit