Berean Preschool Offers Learning Opportunities

Berean preschool students take part in a “bear hunt.”

The preschool classes at Berean Christian School, led by Joanne Pazos and Natasha McMillan, went on a “bear hunt” around the school campus last week. Though this may seem like an odd activity on a school campus in the middle of Palm Beach County, it was a great opportunity for preschool students to learn about culture, history and community.

As students, who were dressed in Native American fashion, walked carefully and quietly throughout campus, they observed nature and experienced in their own way what hunting may have been like for the original settlers. They even stopped a high school teacher walking by to ask her if she was “friendly.”

This activity allowed students to learn about how the Native Americans taught the Pilgrims how to survive in the new land. They learned that early settlers had to hunt in order to provide food, clothing and shelter for their families.

Michelle Bethune directed her own students to appreciate how the Pilgrims traveled to the new land in order to seek out a new life.