Willhite To Chair PBC Legislative Delegation

State Rep. Matt Willhite

On Thursday, Nov. 15, the Palm Beach County Legislative Delegation elected a new chair and vice chair during its first delegation meeting of the year at Palm Beach County Fire-Rescue Headquarters.

State Rep. Matt Willhite (D-District 86) was elected unanimously to serve as the chair of the delegation, replacing the outgoing chair State Rep. Bill Hager (R-District 89). State Rep. Rick Roth (R-District 85) was also unanimously elected to serve as the delegation’s vice chair.

“I am honored to serve the residents and visitors of Palm Beach County in this capacity, and I am looking forward to serving with the other leaders of the delegation,” Willhite said. “As always, we will continue to advocate on behalf of the issues most important to the residents of Palm Beach County. In my capacity as chair, I hope to address concerns related to public safety, create greater access to healthcare, affordable housing, and protecting the seniors/veterans for all of Palm Beach County.”