Known for their rich heritage and beauty, Paso Fino horses have a storied history dating back to Christopher Columbus. A comfortably gaited breed, Paso Finos can be traced to when Columbus brought 20 stallions and five broodmares to what is now the Dominican Republic.
The Acreage Horseman’s Association is keeping the rich history of the Paso Fino breed alive by conducting Paso Fino horse shows. The shows will be held at the Nicole Hornstein Equestrian Park in The Acreage on Sunday, April 8 and Sunday, May 13.
The new Paso Fino horse show circuit is the first of its kind in years in Palm Beach County, said event organizer Patricia Morin. The circuit will continue in September with more shows and year-end awards.
Linda Rainbolt of the AHA assisted in organizing the event. “I just love horses and all the different disciplines,” she said.
Having a Paso Fino show will bring breeders and riders from all over Florida and beyond to The Acreage. “Bringing all these other disciplines together here creates a fun crowd,” Rainbolt said. “It’s all about bringing the community together.”
Paso Fino horses are a cross-breed of European breeds such as the Lipizzan and the Spanish Jennet. The horses were bred to endure the trough terrain of the New World and difficult voyages across the Atlantic.
There are many varieties of the Paso Fino horse, which are found throughout Latin American countries.
“Paso Finos come from all over Latin America,” Morin said. “Back then, these horses endured, and were an essential part of Spanish colonialism.”
The new Paso Fino shows brings back that heritage to the community. It also offers an opportunity for participants to compete for awards.
“The money that goes into the show from our sponsors goes right back into the show,” Rainbolt said.
Additionally, it’s about getting the community involved and giving back.
“We will also be giving a donation to a cause,” Rainbolt said. “So the money and time sponsors and participants spend is going to a good cause.”
The Acreage Horseman’s Association is determined to make the Paso Fino horse show a regular event. “This is just the beginning and the ground floor of what we want to do with the show,” Rainbolt said.
More than 50 horses are participating in the inaugural show. “People have these horses, and they go to these big shows, but don’t have a warm-up show, so we are trying to be their warm-up show, and award them at the same time,” she said.
Nicole Hornstein Equestrian Park is located at 14780 Hamlin Blvd. in The Acreage. For more information, visit the AHA’s web site at or call (561) 506-5212.