Helpful Tips To Stay Fit While On Vacation

By Sarah Cole

Vacations are a time to relax, have fun with your family, and take a break from the real world, but we all know it can wreak havoc on our fitness goals.

You would think that a week or two off from the gym wouldn’t hurt you, but within a few weeks, cardiovascular and aerobic power can decline 5 to 10 percent. Don’t let that hard work you spent in the gym go to waste. There are ways you can stay fit, even on vacation!

What are you going to do without a gym around? The key to exercise is to keep moving. Essentially, any area can be turned into a workout space. Bodyweight exercises such as squats, lunges, wall sits, push-ups and burpees are a great way to maintain aerobic strength. Use household items such as a chair or bench to do triceps dips and step-ups to complete your workout. You can also bring equipment from home such as a jump rope and resistance band. These items won’t take up a lot of room in your suitcase and are great to take along to get a full body workout. Finally, get the family involved in activities such as bike riding, hiking, walking and sightseeing to have fun while burning off calories.

Another factor in staying fit during vacation is nutrition. Over-indulging in food during vacation is a huge struggle for many of us. We tend to let loose a little too much and forget about weight gain. There is no reason to pack on pounds during vacation. Try to bring along healthful snacks when the family is in the car or out and about so you don’t have to rely on greasy fast food.

When you are out at a restaurant, choose meals that are protein packed so you stay feeling full for longer. Last but not least, it’s OK to treat yourself as long as you remember to keep it in portion size.

Keep in mind that staying fit on vacation is not impossible. If you follow these steps, you will stay looking good and feeling great during and after your break, allowing you to continue to pursue your fitness goals without costly and frustrating setbacks.

Need some motivation to jumpstart your summer goals? Let Ultima Fitness get your body vacation-ready in no time with help from our specialized team of trainers. Come into Ultima Fitness and get a free training session with one of our trainers. Our staff is highly educated and will know exactly what you need to get the results you want. Contact us to schedule your free session today.

Sarah Cole is a personal trainer at Ultima Fitness/Xtreme Tae Kwon Do. Ultima is located at 12799 W. Forest Hill Blvd. in Wellington. For more info., call (561) 795-2823 or visit