Sem Ridge JROTC Battalion Attends Leadership Camps

Nearly two dozen cadets from the Seminole Ridge High School Army JROTC Hawk Battalion attended cadet leadership camps at Camp Elmore in Davie and Camp Sawyer on Scout Key.

In Davie, the Hawks took part in swimming and canoeing, survival training, high and low challenging outdoor personal experience (COPE), rappelling and land navigation. These activities tested cadets mentally and physically as they applied their leadership skills.

Those who went to Camp Sawyer also had to put to the test what they’d learned, but this camp was more challenging. Most of the activities were conducted in the water, from a mile swim in the ocean to water survival training, kayaking, snorkeling and an eight-station ocean obstacle course.

Cadet Capt. Justin Kaufman and Cadet Staff Sgt. Charlie Green were awarded the camp’s outstanding leadership medals for their outstanding performance.

Cadet Capt. Jaime Marchand received the camp marksmanship award as one of the top shooters out of 180 cadets.

Cadet Command Sgt. Major Joey Evens was awarded the 6th Brigade U.S. Army Cadet Command Coin for his outstanding performance.

“It was another great year for our cadets at camp,” JROTC instructor Hans Hunt said. “They showed great leadership and learned a lot about teamwork while making new friends.”

In other Seminole Ridge news, the Palm Beach County Art Teachers Association Members’ Exhibition at the Armory Art Center features original art works by the county’s art teachers and community members. Running now through Saturday, Oct. 13, the exhibition displays the individual talent and creativity of area teachers and community members.

Among the featured artists is Seminole Ridge 2-D art teacher Gwenn Seuling. For more information, call (561) 832-1776 or visit


Above: (Front row, L-R) Shelby Shackleford, Andrew Harre, Devon Breen, Cody Papula, Armando Pina, Nathan Core, Jose Ruiz, Evan Herzberg, Desiree Galavan, Heather Riley, Vincent Sileo and Timothy Ruback; (back) retired Lt. Col. Hans Hunt, Brogan Zelinka, Charlie Green, Jimmy Marchand, John Christian, Geoffrey Christian, James Bukowski, Jason Bagnall, David Evens, Sergio Burgos, Justin Kaufman, Joey Evens and retired First Sgt. Tony Lewis.