Elbridge Gale Students Share Love Of Reading

Students in Laura Corzo’s fourth-grade classes at Elbridge Gale Elementary School made bookmarks for pediatric patients at Palms West Hospital. The bookmark project was an assignment given to students for which they had to create a bookmark with an illustration depicting their favorite book or author. The students had the option of making a second bookmark to donate to the hospital. All of the students made a second bookmark and were very happy to be able to spread their love of reading with other children. Besides the bookmarks, the students also donated books they had already completed. “It is so nice to see students so eager to help others, especially those children who are hospitalized,” Corzo said. The bookmarks and books will be part of the children’s library Keely’s Place, which is located on the pediatric floor of the hospital. Shown here are the fourth-graders with their bookmarks.