Golden Grove Students Interview Pro Athlete

Jacob Tayler, Izabelle Matute and Zack Forde of Golden Grove Elementary School’s Gator News Network (GNN) traveled to Fort Lauderdale on Saturday, Nov. 24 to interview Russell Wilson of the Seattle Seahawks.

Forde and Tayler did the interviewing, and Matute did the taping. Each of the three students wrote the questions.

This project started with showing the entire school a videotape of Wilson on the morning news, where he talks about character development and working hard. The students talked about Wilson and became interested in interviewing him. Golden Grove media specialist Marge Keller made the arrangements. The school used some of Wilson’s principles as vocabulary words for spelling lessons.

Forde and Tayler asked questions such as, “How did if feel to be the best quarterback in college football?” Wilson talked about how he competed against some great quarterbacks, but his biggest competitor was himself. Wilson said he feels humble and doesn’t take anything for granted.

After the interview was over, Lane Gimmell, director of communications for the Seahawks, said that the students were the most prepared interviewers he had seen.


Above: Zack Forde and Jacob Tayler interview Russell Wilson.