Meet The New ALA Board Of Directors

The Acreage Landowners’ Association has announced the 2013 ALA Board of Directors while bidding farewell to the outgoing 2012 board members who have completed their terms. Each of these individuals brings a unique perspective to the board as well as much generosity of spirit and concern for Acreage residents.

President Bob Renna — A Florida resident since 1976, Renna has been married for 20 years and has four children. He has lived in The Acreage since 1992 and joined the ALA the same year. Renna has been an ALA board member since 2007 and president since 2008. From 1970 to 2004, he owned three businesses.

Renna is the organizer of the Acreage Community Park Jam. “I became an ALA board member in an effort to keep The Acreage unique and a great community for all to live in and enjoy,” he said.

Vice President Todd Newfield — Married for 25 years and with two children in college, Newfield recently retired from Pembroke Pines Fire-Rescue and is owner/operator of a lawn-care company. He has been a western communities resident since 1994 and an Acreage resident since 2001.

“After regularly attending ALA meetings for some time and educating myself on community issues, I joined the 2012 ALA board and hope to bring a positive voice on issues that affect our community,” Newfield said.

Secretary Ken Hendrick — Having lived in the Loxahatchee/Acreage area since 1989 and married for 11 years, Hendrick is the former owner of Star Window Cleaning, which employed 27 people. “I sold that business in 1992 and started Hendrick Services Sign Service, he said.

Hendrick is a former president of the Acreage Network Referral Group and currently on the IT board at Seminole Ridge High School. He has owned Loxahatchee Radio since 2005, offering free advertisements to all business owners in The Acreage.

“I attend most of the ALA and ITID meetings in an effort to be a voice for our community residents who are unable to attend and help out due to work and other constraints,” Hendrick said.

Sergeant at Arms Sandra Love Semande — An Acreage resident since 1985, Semande is married with children (his and hers) who have attended Acreage schools. She worked as office manager at the Indian Trail Improvement District from 1993-99 and has volunteered with numerous Acreage schools and organizations. She currently works as a school crossing guard and volunteers for the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office Citizen Observer Patrol program. Semande served on the ITID Board of Supervisors from 2006-08. “I look forward to working with our new group of ALA board members, to continue being the watch dog for our families, friends and neighbors of this beautiful community, and provide free fun filled events for our residents,” she said.

Treasurer Ellen Guncheon and Director Randy Guncheon — The Guncheons have been married for 20 years, and their daughter is a senior at Seminole Ridge High School. They have been Acreage residents since 1989.

“We chose to serve on the ALA board after taking a bigger interest in the happenings of our government through the ITID board,” they said. “The ALA gives us the chance to try and be a voice for the fellow residents on issues such as drainage, water, roads and fiscal accountability.”

Director Mike Erickson — Erickson and his wife Pam moved to The Acreage in 1987 as newlyweds to build their dream house. While raising three boys, Erickson has been active in local organizations such as the ALA and Acreage Athletic League community, through groups including but not limited to the AAL, the ALA, the Acreage/Loxahatchee Rotary Club, the ITID Board of Supervisors and the Acreage/Loxahatchee Relay for Life. The Ericksons own and operate the marine-oriented manufacturing company Canvas Designers Inc. in Riviera Beach.

“Successfully starting and running a business that employs approximately 40 people with more than half of them from The Acreage provides me a skill set that I want to use to make our community a better place to live,” Erickson said. “Change is constantly happening; the trick is to make sure the changes positive affect the results which will define what this community is in the future.”

Director Denis M. Greenidge — Greenidge and his wife built their home in 2004 and moved to The Acreage last April after his retirement from the Defense Intelligence Agency. Prior to the DIA appointment, Greenidge worked as an analyst for the U.S. military in Netherlands, Germany, southeast Asia and the Middle East.

“I became an ALA board member to make a positive contribution to The Acreage, to become a part of the problem-solving team and to work for future economic development in our growing community,” he said. “My immediate focus is to work with my ALA counterparts, using my management and planning skills to ensure that the drainage problems and any proposed solution is comprehensive, and that it takes into account the impact of changes resulting from growth — potentially 70,000 residents.”

Director Perry Williams — Williams and his wife Vickie have lived in The Acreage for 27 years. He has been a heavy equipment operator for his family’s company for more than 35 years. The Williams’ have two Shih Tzus, a very large Pekinese and a large neighborhood black cat they call Midnight, who adopted them.

“I’m looking forward to participating and helping with resolving problems and creating events for the community,” Williams said. “I am concerned with the issues of The Acreage as it continues to grow. Hopefully more residents will begin to participate in our quest to improve our neighborhood.”


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