Golden Grove Elementary School celebrated the 100th day of school on Friday, Feb. 1. All of the students participated while learning with fun hands-on activities.
Students in Jennifer Ortiz’s second-grade class dressed up for the day as how they imagine they would look at 100 years old.
Some of the other classes brought in 100 items, wrote clues on the front of the bag and the class guessed what items were inside; made a 100 yummy snack from 10 different groups; held a scavenger hunt of 100 items; created a shopping list with pictures and dollar amounts of purchases made to equal $100; estimated and tallied their way with pennies and number cubes to 100; created 100th day puzzles out of a 100th day counting chart; made a 100-gumball finger painting picture; wrote down the favorite things they did for the first 100 days of school; made necklaces with 100 beads; wrote what they would buy with $100; and were silent for 100 seconds and completed 100 exercises.
ABOVE: Students from Melissa Ruddick’s kindergarten class made hats to commemorate the day.