Register Now For Zoo’s First-Ever ‘Save The Tiger 5K’

With fewer than 300 Malayan tigers left in the wild, now is the time to start preserving the species. You can help by participating in the Palm Beach Zoo’s inaugural Save the Tiger 5K.

The run is devoted to helping protect Malayan tigers from poachers and conserve their habitat. The survival of this species is one of the zoo’s success stories. Of the 61 Malayan tigers living at other accredited Association of Zoos & Aquarium facilities, four are at the Palm Beach Zoo: mom Berapi and her three offspring Jaya, Bunga and Penari. The cubs are the result of the zoo’s participation in the Malayan Tiger Species Survival Plan.

To celebrate this success story and the cubs’ second birthday, the zoo is hosting the “Save the Tiger 5K” on May 11. This unique run through Dreher Park finishes inside the Zoo at the Fountain Plaza. It starts at 7:30 a.m.

The certified and timed race is open to runners of all ages. The first 500 participants to register will receive a special edition tiger-striped race T-shirt.

Register now at The registration site allow for donations to be made for Malayan tiger conservation.