Marines Graduate From Parris Island Training

Marine Corps Pvt. Sebastian Cook II, Pvt. William Christian and Pvt. Angela Castro recently earned the title of United States Marine after graduating from recruit training at Marine Corps Recruit Depot in Parris Island, S.C.

For 13 weeks, they stayed committed during some of the world’s most demanding entry-level military training in order to be transformed from civilian to Marine instilled with pride, discipline and the core values of honor, courage and commitment.

Training subjects included close-order drill, marksmanship with an M-16A4 rifle, physical fitness, martial arts, swimming, military history, customs and courtesies. One week prior to graduation, they endured the Crucible, a 54-hour final test of recruits’ minds and bodies. Upon completion, recruits are presented the Marine Corps emblem and called Marines for the first time.

Cook is the son of Tamika and Sebastian Cook of Royal Palm Beach and is a 2012 graduate of Palm Beach Central High School.

Christian, son of Angela and William Christian of Royal Palm Beach and a 2011 graduate of Seminole Ridge High School.

Castro is the daughter of Lucero Valero and Ricardo Castro. She is a 2012 graduate of Seminole Ridge High School.