Golden Grove Expands Green Projects

Great things have happened since Golden Grove Elementary School applied to become part of the Green Schools Program of Palm Beach County.

During Curriculum Night, the school had a uniform “upcycle” where parents could take home used uniforms donated to the school.

Golden Grove has also started a recycling program. The goal is to recycle everything — from papers and cans, to art supplies, ink and cell phones. Each classroom was presented with a mini compost, and the children are learning and writing about it.

On Sept. 19, Ms. Marlene Youmans’ class, along with Principal Adam Miller, started trimming the butterfly garden at the courtyard to transform it in a great outdoor learning place. School-wide, students are excited and looking forward to community partnerships to create new gardens, field trips and environmental learning.

On Sept. 28, the school hosted the first Golden Grove Green Apple Day Rockin’ Community Party. Doors opened to the community for a national celebration of the Green Apple Day.

Among other activities, participants learned about nutrition, created musical instruments from recycled materials, created posters, planted seeds and were trained to become “garbage” detectives.

ABOVE: Lori Bednareck at the uniform upcycle.