Learn How To Not Waste Food

The Fourth Annual Growing Green Communities event hosted by Slow Food Glades to Coast will take place Saturday, Jan. 18 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The focus of the event will be “$aving the 30%: Using the Food We Grow.” People are hungry and the United States throws away more than 30 percent of its food.

“Food waste is a critical environmental and humanitarian issue,” SFGC Education Director Scott Lewis said. “We hope that everyone attending will come away with some understanding of the scope of the problem and new ideas for taking action to reduce food waste.”

Attendees will be able to choose between two tracks of workshops throughout the day with live demonstrations on topics including canning, dehydrating, composting, and shopping and storage tips. A panel discussion on “Avoiding Waste in Businesses” will cover practices in restaurants, markets and farms.

Lunch will be provided and is sponsored by Whole Foods Market Wellington. Also, Disco Soup will show how food that would otherwise be wasted can be an edible and delicious soup. Other local groups and businesses related to food saving will also have booths providing information.

The event will take place at the Pine Jog Environmental Education Center at 6301 Summit Blvd. Online tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children 6 to 12. Tickets are available now at www.slowfood gladestocoast.com. For more info., contact Lewis at (954) 801-7170 or scottlew@aol.com.