Berean Student Collects Shoes For Needy

Several months ago, Jordan Stewart, a first grader at Berean Christian School in West Palm Beach, decided to ask his parents for a different kind of birthday present.

When Jordan turned 7 on Jan. 25, he requested as part of his birthday celebration that party guests bring new shoes in any style and size to give to the less fortunate in lieu of gifts for himself.

Parents Jim and Carrie Stewart figured he would change his mind or forget about it once his birthday came closer. However, in the beginning of January, Jordan reminded his parents of his intent to give to others.

As Jordan’s birthday was celebrated at the new Chuck E. Cheese in West Palm Beach, party guests brought shoes as requested by this young boy with a big heart. More than 35 pairs of shoes were collected to help the less fortunate.

The shoes are slotted for delivery to Jesus Loves All People, an organization located in Haiti, during a mission trip scheduled for next month.

ABOVE: Jordan Stewart