Members Of Next Year’s RPBHS Dance Team Announced

Royal Pam Beach High School, along with Dance Director Michele Blecher, are proud to announce the 2014-15 Wildcat Dancers Dance Team. Blecher and the new team are looking forward to a busy dance season filled with various shows, competitions and performances. Shown here are: (Front row) Dallas Bailey, Angelica Barrera, Rachel Lambe and Ashley Telisme; (back row) Giavanna Joesph, Tykazja McCoy, Annelee Dunkley, Julian Baily, Captain Brittany Canales, Laz Palenzuelu, Co-Captain Stephanie Sanchez, Maureen Derius, Alondra Morales, Jeneen Burrell and Arianna Sanchez; (not pictured) Marlyka Guillaume and Selena Gomez.