Women Of Note To Bowl For Barbershop And Harmony

This month, thousands of Sweet Adelines International members worldwide will be “Bowling for Barbershop” in bowling centers across the globe.

Locally, 30 members of the Women of Note Chorus have formed teams and will be “Bowling for Barbershop” and harmonizing on the evening of Wednesday, July 30 on the lanes of the AMF Bowling Alley in Boynton Beach.

For the past two months, donations have been made online and within the community to help advance the musical art form of barbershop music, as well as provide opportunities for women to participate in singing and performing the rich tradition of barbershop harmony throughout the Palm Beaches.

To find out more about Bowling for Barbershop, and to donate to your favorite team, visit http://bowlathon.sweetadelineintl.org. On the drop down menu, choose “Support a Bowler.”

Sweet Adelines International is a worldwide women’s singing organization committed to raising awareness of barbershop harmony through education, competition and performance. With more than 20,000 members, Sweet Adelines International brings harmony and music education to women’s lives, schools and communities across the world.

The Women of Note Chorus provides the gift of music to thousands of listeners in the Palm Beaches each year. Rehearsals are held each Monday evening from 7 to 10 p.m. at Palm Beach Central High School. For more info., visit www.womenofnote.com or check them out on Facebook.