Kevin Perkins Hosts 20th Season Of Summer Golf Camps

On Monday, Aug. 4, PGA master golf professional Kevin Perkins began his ninth of ten junior summer golf camps held this summer at the Binks Forest Golf Club. Perkins’ camp is open to boys and girls ages 7-17 of all experience levels. The curriculum consists of teaching the history of the game, etiquette, golf terminology, rules, full swing, putting, chipping, pitching, bunker play and on-course play. Perkins has also been using the V1 Golf app to provide a visual for the golfers to analyze and compare their form with Telestrator lines and side-by-side videos of PGA Tour professionals. Perkins has been running his summer golf camp for 20 years. Learn more about the camp and fall junior golf classes at

ABOVE: Drew Wallase, Chris Napoleone and John Mueger with PGA master golf professional Kevin Perkins. PHOTO BY FABIANA OTERO