Renaissance Students Write Letters To Troops

Seventh grade civics students at the Renaissance Charter School at Palms West have undertaken a project to recognize and appreciate soldiers through written cards and letters. Recently, 135 letters were sent to soldiers in Afghanistan, Iraq, Korea, and to U.S. Marine Corps recruits at Camp Lejeune.

Staff members, parents and friends of soldiers both home and abroad have requested and enlisted assistance in thanking them for their dedication, courage and commitment to our country.

This “Hand to Hand” letter-writing campaign is part of the school’s community service project, in which students engage in performing a variety of services. The sincere appreciation of a soldier’s willingness to serve was evident in all of the letters.

The concepts and standards for this civics course have never been more relevant and alive, and Renaissance students showed how they value and love the freedom guaranteed by the men and women who serve. With overwhelming support, the school will be continuing the program.

ABOVE: Renaissance Charter School civics students.