Wellington Art Society Celebrates A Decade Of ‘Art In Public Places’

The Wellington Art Society held a reception Wednesday, Jan. 14 to commemorate a decade of celebrating local artists.

Nine artists participated in the tenth annual Art in Public Places Program, sponsored by the Village of Wellington, and showcased their talents in oils, stained glass, sculpture and photography.

This year’s milestone collection was curated by Michelle Garvey, community programs manager for the village. The exhibit included the work of two student artists, Dakota Nicole Adorno, age 9, and Talia Fradkin, age 16. Adorno began painting at the age of 7 and completed her most recent piece in four hours.

Fradkin enjoys taking landscape photography and is also an avid volunteer in the community. This is Fradkin’s fourth time exhibiting work in the Art in Public Places Program.

The 16 pieces vary in themes ranging from a variety of landscapes to a larger-than-life horse sculpture. The public is invited to view these pieces at various locations in Wellington.

ABOVE: Community Programs Manager Michelle Garvey and Wellington resident Talia Fradkin display her photograph.