Flexible Tutoring Arrangements Offered At Open Minds Academy

Open Minds Academy, a tutoring service for students from pre-kindergarten through fifth grade, is now serving equestrians and permanent residents in the Wellington area.

Open Minds Academy, located at 12773 W. Forest Hill Blvd., focuses seasonal programming for equestrians, a summer-bridge program to help prepare kids for the next grade level, diagnostic tutoring, test preparation, online distance learning programs, homework help, computer coding instruction, psycho-educational evaluations, and COGMED, a memory training program that provides solutions for attention problems caused by poor working memory.

“Having a deep knowledge of the Winter Equestrian Festival and the commitment it entails, we realize the need to have a program and services that cater to the youngest competitors,” said Tyler Shernoff, co-founder and director of business for Open Minds Academy. “With the growth of WEF, more families than ever are showing, and we are here to provide excellent services for those in Wellington here on a full-time, seasonal or tutoring basis.”

The school provides flexible scheduling and comprehensive tutor-teacher communication for its seasonal equestrian program.

Students work cooperatively in a small group setting, and tutorials mirror the student’s traditional school program.

“We saw the need to create a space that catered to the younger children showing at WEF, giving them the opportunity to meet other children with similar lifestyles and interests,” said Sara Frost, co-founder and director of academics.

Founded on the philosophy that all children have the ability to learn but that it’s how they are taught that matters most, Open Minds Academy individualizes and customizes every service offered to target the specific needs of each student. To learn more about Open Minds Academy, visit www.openmindsacademy.org or call Shernoff at (561) 948-2040.