Golden Grove’s Safety Patrols Rock D.C.

When the Golden Grove Elementary School safety patrols visited Washington, D.C., recently they all received a big honor.

Safety patrol member Evan Galdos had the special opportunity to find the gravesite of his ailing grandfather’s brother (his great uncle) at Arlington National Cemetery. On the walk to find the site, the group had the opportunity to witness an active military funeral in progress with a 21-gun salute. The Golden Grove safety patrols were so respectful, holding their hand over their hearts and walking in a single file, silent line passed the funeral.

The group then made its way to the gravesite and snapped some pictures of Evan at his great uncle’s grave, which were sent to his grandfather.

Three days later, the group was learning about the Holocaust at the National Holocaust Museum when another museum patron walked up to one of the chaperones on the trip. She asked if the group had been at Arlington National Cemetery three days prior (she recognized the group from their blue jackets). She wanted the group to know that the funeral they passed was her father’s funeral and how much it meant to her family that all students were so respectful with their hands over their heart, walking quietly. She explained how everyone at the funeral was so impressed with the group.

The patrols did such an amazing job on the trip representing Golden Grove and Palm Beach County. “This was an awesome group of patrols and really represented our school with pride and honor,” Assistant Principal Philip Preddy said.

Additional pictures from the trip can be seen at

ABOVE: Golden Grove safety patrol members in front of the White House.