WES Third Graders Build Creative Habitats

Wellington Elementary School third-grade teacher Rosanne Tatti enjoyed the last week of school with her students by doing hands-on projects reviewed lessons that they studied. The students designed towers with spaghetti and mini marshmallows to hold their favorite stuffed animals. With their partners, the children designed the towers by measuring the mass of their animal and then determining how many strands of spaghetti and the number of marshmallows they needed to build the structure. The teams then went to the “hardware store” and bought what they needed. Spaghetti cost 10 cents a strand, and marshmallows 5 cents each. The class had a blast, and their animals enjoyed living in their new habitats. Shown above are: Enzo Mosconi and Ezren Hollingsworth, Mason Laible and Kaleb Prater, Genevieve Merkle and Dakota Delgardio, and Amanda Roland and Teresa Villacis with their creations.