Hispanic Chamber To Mark Anniversary At Awards Ceremony On Nov. 19

The Puerto Rican/Hispanic Chamber of Commerce for Palm Beach County is proud to announce the upcoming Shining Star Awards Ceremony & Cocktail Reception 2015, which will celebrate the chamber’s 10th anniversary.

Proceeds from the event will benefit the chamber’s scholarship fund. The ceremony will take place on Thursday, Nov. 19 at 6 p.m. at the Hilton Palm Beach Airport Hotel.

This annual event also recognizes and presents awards to a prestigious group of honorees who demonstrate an unwavering commitment to helping South Florida’s Puerto Rican/Hispanic community and culture to thrive. This year’s awards categories are company, professional and educator of the year. Through the event, individuals, corporate entities and educational institutions are thanked for selflessly donating their time and resources.

Throughout the reception, chamber members, sponsors, board members, dignitaries, friends and other supporters will enjoy food, beverages and great networking.

Proceeds will help the chamber perform its vital work in Palm Beach County while providing critical funding for scholarships to assist youth in achieving their academic dreams. Learn more at www.prhchamber.com.