’Twas The Night Of This Christmas…


’Twas the night of this Christmas and all through the house,
Not a grandchild was stirring, not a pet dog or spouse.
They had already wreaked all their havoc, you see,
And now the big cleanup was left up to me.

“What a day it has been!” I mused as I swept.
(I was glad for the quiet while everyone slept.)
It all started at 4 (yes, “a.m.” be clear)
When the kids woke up shouting that “Santa was here!”

And although their poor papa had been up until 3,
Assembling items, we all had to “come see!”
The toys were piled high (had they been all that good?)
And Orion was hopping on tiptoe. (He should!)

The stockings were full of nuts, candies and sweets,
And even the dog had been lavished with treats.
There were gifts on the table and under the tree,
Across the broad mantel (and some were for me)!

The excitement was mounting with each passing glance,
’Til Orion, age 3, did an impromptu dance.
Santa had listened! The train set was there!
As well as a lawnmower, up in the air.

There were trucks, cars and blocks (all the usual gear)
But this time a pink bed, a pink scooter, pink mirror.
A trunk full of dress-up clothes heavy with ruffles
Sat next to some fake food (cookies, pies, cakes and truffles).

There were tiny tin pitchers and bowls, cups and plates,
A doll with big eyes and another with skates.
Orion looked puzzled. What was with all these dolls?
But, behind him, his new sister was all laughter and howls.

And of course the girl’s mother (my daughter, the tomboy),
Had hoped that the sweet child would go for the convoy.
But little Tess toddled right past all the wheels,
And sat herself down with her tea set and heels.

Swathed in a pink boa that Grandma had got her,
Tess beamed with delight. (That perplexed my grown daughter.)
“But we’re engineers!” my kid wailed with regret.
“How can Tess embrace all that frou-frou? Not yet!”

“I’m not sure,” I told Jen, unwrapping a sconce.
“But Santa Claus knows… the heart wants what it wants.”
As for me, I got just what I wanted this year,
That brass sconce and you, my dear reader! (Love and good cheer!)

Happy Holidays and thanks for reading!
from Deborah Welky, the Sonic Boomer