Golden Grove Elementary Gets $2,500 Lowe’s Grant

Golden Grove Elementary School has received a $2,500 Lowe’s Toolbox for Education grant for its “Beautiful Butterflies” project to improve the school’s butterfly gardens.

The grant application was based on the goal of improving the butterfly gardens to become a stronger learning resource at Golden Grove. The project will provide an improved outside classroom for students and other visitors to explore the life cycles of butterflies.

The improved butterfly gardens will provide students the opportunity to observe nature in action. Planning has begun, and a campus cleanup was completed on Feb. 27. Plants are being identified and new plants are being decided on for planting. Signage and benches will be ordered once the grant money arrives.

“Golden Grove Elementary is elated to receive the Lowe’s grant,” Principal Dr. Adam Miller said. “We are looking forward to improving our gardens while increasing our students’ opportunities to learn in these gardens. We wish to thank our friends at Lowe’s for generously supporting this important project.”

All K-12 public schools in the United States are eligible for the Toolbox for Education program. More information is available at