Ideal Students Donate Shoes For Kids In Haiti

The Ideal School of Advanced Learning is working with the Friends of Humanity Corporation to collect gently used shoes and donate them to children in Haiti who are living in poverty.

“Each shoe will have a word of inspiration written on the sole, so that when someone in Haiti gets that shoe, we hope it will inspire them and they will know that we care,” said Wendy Soderman, the school’s principal and founder, at a schoolwide assembly on Friday, April 8.

Ideal teachers and students gathered for a virtuous Heart to Heart assembly about showing compassion and empathy from “our souls and soles.” The children watched an emotional video depicting the poverty crisis in Haiti to show empathy and gain awareness about poverty around the world.

After the assembly, all of the students removed their shoes and went barefoot to gain an understanding of what it would be like not to have shoes.

Students learned that there are approximately 300 million people, many of them children, in the world who do not have money for shoes, or other essential items.

Visit for more information about the school.

ABOVE: Ideal students show off their shoeless feet.