Western Academy Again Named Project Child National Demonstration Site

Innovative Programs LLC recently announced that Western Academy Charter School in Royal Palm Beach has been selected as one of the Project CHILD National Demonstration Sites for the 2016-17 school year.

Western Academy has used Project CHILD since 2003 and have been a national model site since 2010. The selected schools are sites that will host visitors to showcase innovative methods for school improvement and reform.

National demonstration sites are schools that have been successfully implementing CHILD as a schoolwide model for at least three years. These schools have documented success with student achievement and school reform indicators. Project CHILD is a 21st century research-based instructional model for K-5 schools. The focus is on professional collaborative teaming, teacher instructional expertise, differentiated learning, student engagement and technology infusion.

The schools, including Western Academy Charter School, have demonstrated positive results with CHILD in the following areas that are aligned with 21st century skills: documented academic success for students; a high degree of student involvement using technology and hands-on learning; professional leadership by highly qualified teachers and administrators; collaborative team teaching; a strong focus on core subjects of reading, writing and mathematics; and positive student behavior and accountability.

This model uses a multi-sensory approach that taps into the type of learner a student is and allows for them to use their strengths to be successful.

“Western Academy has been implementing CHILD since we opened our doors in 2003,” Principal Linda Terranova said. “Our students are truly taught how to think for themselves and how to work cooperatively with others to solve problems and create solutions. We love CHILD and how it transforms our classrooms. It is a hands-on model that puts the students in control of their learning and provides many activities and opportunities for them to think, question, explore and problem solve in the learning process.”

Western Academy Charter School is located at 650 Royal Palm Beach Blvd., Suite 300, in Royal Palm Beach. For more info., call (561) 792-4123 or visit www.westernacademycharter.com.

ABOVE: Western Academy Principal Linda Terranova and Assistant Principal Jessica Manriquez.