Palm Beach County Clerk Sharon Bock recently saw her office’s Division of the Inspector General reaccredited by the Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation.
The CFA offers the opportunity for offices of inspectors general in Florida to evaluate investigative policies and procedures against the standards developed by the chief inspector general, the Inspectors General Workgroup and commission staff. Accreditation of the investigation process significantly enhances the professionalism, consistency and quality of investigations.
“As the elected county auditor, having an IG accredited investigative team within my office is another layer of protection for the public,” Bock said.
The CFA accreditation also ensures accountability through self-assessment and enhances reputation with the public by achieving compliance with professionally recognized best business practices and standards.
The division received its initial accreditation in February 2011. The CFA requires re-accreditation every three years to ensure ongoing compliance, which was first completed in February 2014. After a mandatory on-site assessment, the division’s status was approved again on Feb. 23. The CFA noted that the procedures of the division are sound, allow for efficient work flow, and are compliant with Florida statutes, agency policy, accreditation standards and established principles and standards.
The clerk’s Division of the Inspector General was established in 2005 and provides independent and objective auditing and investigative services. To learn more, visit or call (561) 355-2722.
ABOVE: (L-R) Lori Mizell of the Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation, Palm Beach County Clerk’s Office Inspector General Roger Trca, Senior Internal Auditor Michael Bodle and St. Petersburg Police Chief Anthony Holloway.