Shown above are: (front row) Wyatt Dowd, Avia Riley, Sarah Shephard, Jaylen Burns and Sevenah Agbi; (middle row) Michael Shahwan, Sydnee Cummings, Radhika Raut, London Hertelendy, Alayna Drexler, Alexys Carroll, Tomas and Garcia Lussardi; and (back row) Arianna Baez Flores, Devan Pham, Deerek Carroll, Simeon Pavlev and Mia Padron with Derek Carroll.
Derek Carroll of VDCO Tech recently showed Brandy Pelkowski’s second-grade class at Equestrian Trails Elementary School the latest technology that is being utilized in the architectural design and construction industry. The students had fun learning about how the Microsoft Hololens works.