Seminole Ridge High School has many exciting events and activities coming up for Homecoming Week.
Monday, Oct. 2: ‘Home Run’ — The varsity football team competes away against Palm Beach Gardens High School. Students are encouraged to wear their favorite sports jerseys or other sports attire to school Monday.
Tuesday, Oct. 3: ‘Home Away from Home’ — Students are encouraged to dress up as a “tacky tourist.” This could mean dressing up in tropical attire with floral patterns emblazoned on them.
Wednesday, Oct. 4: Class Theme Day — The middle of the week gives each class level its own theme. Seniors are encouraged to dress as kings and queens, juniors as characters from the classic tale Peter Pan, sophomores as superheroes and supervillains, and the freshmen are encouraged to dress as characters from fairy tales or folk tales.
Thursday, Oct. 5: ‘Homies’ — Toward the end of the week, a “Fun Lunch” will be catered by Chick-Fil-A. The dress-up theme is “Twin Day,” encouraging students to pair up with someone and dress in an identical outfit from head to toe.
Friday, Oct. 6: ‘There’s No Place Like Home’ — During the school day is the homecoming pep rally. Students should dress in their class color. Seniors wear white, juniors red, sophomores gray or silver, and freshmen wear black. The homecoming king and queen will be crowned at 6:45 p.m. before the start of the game. The Hawks football team faces Palm Beach Lakes at 7 p.m. for the homecoming game this year.
Saturday, Oct. 7 — The homecoming dance will be held in the school cafeteria from 7 to 10 p.m.