The Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League recently celebrated a milestone when it spayed its 30,000th cat as part of the Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return (TNVR) program.
Peggy Adams launched its TNVR program in 2010. Since then, the league has spayed/neutered, vaccinated, microchipped and tipped the left ear of more than 30,000 community cats. Of the cats receiving TNVR services, 16,182 were female cats. It is estimated that one female cat can produce 100 kittens in her lifetime. Had these female cats not been spayed, they could have produced as many as 1,618,200 kittens in just the first generation. If 25 percent of the kittens survived to adulthood and half were female, the second-generation total could have been as many as 20.2 million kittens.
Thanks to the support of the community and major grant funding from foundations and other entities, Peggy Adams has been able to expand the TNVR program and make great progress toward reaching the Countdown 2 Zero (C2Z) goal of making Palm Beach County a “no-kill” community by 2024.
“We have evidence that the program is working, as the number of homeless cats arriving at the government-run Palm Beach County Animal Care & Control and here at Peggy Adams has decreased by more than 45 percent over the years,” reports Rich Anderson, executive director and CEO of the Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League. “The numbers simply don’t lie. We have prevented millions of community cats from being born, and together, with the community, we are saving lives.”
For those who are interested in learning how to safely and humanely trap, manage cats in your neighborhood and reduce the outdoor cat population numbers, Peggy Adams is offering TNVR Trapping classes the last Sunday of each month. To learn more about how to create a better life for community cats, or to RSVP for a TNVR Trapping class, e-mail info@peggyadams.org or call (561) 686-3663. For more information, visit www.peggyadams.org.