Rosarian Students Carve Pumpkins At Lord’s Place

Rosarian eighth graders Wilder Breckenridge and Christian Azqueta carve a pumpkin with a child at the Lord’s Place.

The Rosarian Academy’s National Junior Honor Society students provided Halloween thrills and fun at the Lord’s Place Family Campus on Monday, Oct. 30. The middle school students organized the sixth annual Pumpkin Caring Event. The Rosarian students paired up with children currently housed by the Lord’s Place to carve pumpkins, paint faces, make Halloween crafts, share stories and have fun together.

Through a school-wide effort, approximately 50 pumpkins were collected.

The Lord’s Place housing programs provide shelter for homeless men, women and children, and help residents identify the issues that led to their homelessness. The Lord’s Place gives residents the tools they need to stabilize their lives, while providing safe homes so they can thrive. Currently, 36 families with 60 children reside at the Family Campus. For more info., visit