AT&T Employees Recognized With President’s Volunteer Service Award

Silver PVSA winner Kim Dugan.

More than 50 South Florida AT&T employees, including Wellington volunteer Kim Dugan, were the recipients of the prestigious President’s Volunteer Service Award. There are three levels of the award: Gold for 500 or more hours volunteered in a 12-month period, Silver for 250 to 499 hours and Bronze for 100 to 249 hours. Dugan received the Silver award.

Mother of two boys, Dugan spends the bulk of her volunteer time with the Gulf Stream Council of Boy Scouts Pack 208 and Troop 125, both based in Wellington. As a Scout leader, she develops youth programs and adventures for her den.

“Volunteering is the right thing to do to help youth gain life skills and guide them on a path of leadership,” Dugan said. “I made it known that we are not skilling boys, we are developing men for leadership.”

Dugan also volunteers at the local community food bank and is involved in veteran affairs and community improvement projects.

AT&T employee and Greenacres resident Paul Freeman was a Gold PVSA recipient. He has two sons and is very involved in Scouting and has served as a den leader, cubmaster, assistant scoutmaster and committee chair. He volunteers at his church on the media team and with the marriage ministry.

“I like to help in my community,” Freeman said. “I enjoy leading boys in learning new skills and developing their leadership. I also enjoy helping our church in creating an environment that helps people worship and build a closer relationship with God.”

As PVSA winners, they will receive a congratulatory letter from the President of the United States, a personalized PVSA certificate and an official PVSA pin, medallion or coin.

Nationwide, AT&T employees volunteered more than 1.78 million hours of time in community outreach activities during 2017.