La Mancha Traffic Calming Meeting April 26

The Royal Palm Beach Village Council directed staff to perform a traffic study on La Mancha Avenue. The study was performed in accordance with the village’s traffic-calming policy. Based on the results of the study, it has been determined that La Mancha Avenue is a candidate for traffic calming.

A ballot has been sent to each of the addresses adjacent to the roadway in question. There will be a special meeting on Thursday, April 26 at 6 p.m. in the Village Meeting Hall where the village’s traffic engineering consultant will provide an overview of the plan and will be available to answer questions. Ballots will be accepted until May 10.

After the voting period has ended, the village will tally the votes. The policy requires 50 percent plus one of households in the study area to be in favor of speed tables in order to implement the traffic calming plan. For more information, e-mail or call (561) 790-5161.