Register Now For ‘Tools For Caregivers’

Are you a caregiver who is feeling stressed? The Palm Beach County Division of Senior Services is facilitating the “Powerful Tools for Caregivers” series from Aug. 16 through Sept. 20.

Six sessions will be held on Thursdays from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at the Mid-County Senior Center, located at 3680 Lake Worth Road. There is no fee, but participants must pre-register in order to receive study materials, including a resource book, The Caregiver Help-Book.

“Powerful Tools for Caregivers” is an educational series designed to provide caregivers with the information, skills and resources needed to take care of themselves while caring for a family member or friend who may live nearby or far away.

The goal is to help caregivers thrive in order to be more beneficial to those they are looking after. The program assists caregivers to reduce stress, improve self-confidence, communicate feelings more effectively, balance their lives, increase their ability to make tough decisions and locate helpful resources.

Class size is limited. For additional information, call (561) 357-7135.