Stan Greenfield Exhibit At Whole Foods Gallery

Wellington Art Society member Stan Greenfield is having an exhibit of his paintings at the Wellington Whole Foods Market Gallery. The exhibit opened in early January and continues through March. The public is invited to hear Greenfield speak about what motivates his choice of subject and how he creates his paintings on Feb. 21 and March 14 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Whole Foods Market Gallery.

Greenfield has been drawing since he was a young boy, beginning with comic strip characters. He was admitted to the Music & Art High School in Manhattan. As a teen, he would sit in his father’s restaurant and draw portraits of young men going into the military, with his father displaying them on the wall as a sort of honor roll.

After high school, Greenfield continued his education at City College of New York, where his interest in painting began with watercolors and oils. After graduating with a major in art, he began his career in graphic arts, working for different advertising agencies and art studios. He eventually started his own business, which was highly successful with many Fortune 500 clients.

After retiring and moving to Florida, Greenfield began painting in earnest. His passion was ignited into landscapes, portraits and many different subjects. He now lives in Florida in the winter and the Berkshires in Massachusetts during the summer.

The Wellington Art Society is a nonprofit charitable organization open to artists of all mediums and patrons of the arts. For more info., visit