Career Day/Enrichment Day At Berean Christian

Berean students take part in Career Day activities.

Secondary students at Berean Christian School spent the morning of Feb. 1 a little different than usual. Instead of attending normal classes, students gathered in the gymnasium to visit various booths of individuals from the community who volunteered to come to Berean to share their career experiences with students in order to help secondary students make informed choices as they begin to think beyond high school.

Many of the community professionals who gave up their morning to meet with students were Berean alumni. This made the experience even more meaningful for students as they were able to see some Berean graduates who became successful in their chosen fields. Even faculty who chaperoned the event enjoyed running into former students.

After the morning career interviews, students then met in their grade groups to have breakout sessions, which included learning about leadership, mindsets, social media influence and more. Overall, students are grateful that the Berean administration takes the time to plan events such as these so that their high school experience is more meaningful.

To learn about this event or any other Berean event, visit