RPB Rotary’s Shred Fest May 4

The Rotary Club of Royal Palm Beach, in collaboration with Total Shred LLC, will host a Shred Fest on Saturday, May 4 from 9 to 11 a.m. The event will take place at the Palms West Charter School, located at 12031 Southern Blvd., near the intersection of Southern and Crestwood boulevards.

At the Shred Fest, the public can have confidential documents, papers and records shredded for just $5 per document box or bag. Given the alarming increase in identity theft, it is a smart move to bring those confidential documents for shredding.

The $5 donation per box of documents will enable the Royal Palm Beach Rotary to raise funds for college scholarships, local food banks, toy drives for the needy, drowning prevention activities and other club efforts in the community.

For more information, call Bruce Elkind at (561) 385-5741 and leave a message.