On Saturday, April 13, approximately 175 people from Wellington and the surrounding area participated in a candlelight vigil in front of the Wellington Professional Center on State Road 7, just north of Forest Hill Blvd.
The purpose of the vigil, which began at 7:30 and concluded at 9 p.m., was to pray for an end to abortion. It took place near Planned Parenthood’s Wellington Health Center, which has been located within the Wellington Professional Center building since 2012.
The event, which was part of a nationwide effort sponsored by #ProtestPP (www.protestpp.com), was hosted by a local group that prays at the same location every spring and fall. The vigil marked the final day of the Spring 2019 “40 Days for Life,” where people show up to pray one hour, once a week, during a 40-day period.
According to Valerie Mierzwa, the coordinator of the Wellington “40 Days for Life,” the response to the vigil from the community was more than triple the normal attendance, most likely, she said, to the recent showing of the movie Unplanned at local theaters.
“I think those who saw the movie were truly moved to their core to see what actually takes place inside of a Planned Parenthood, like the one in Wellington,” Mierzwa said.
Mierzwa urged anyone who is in crisis pregnancy and in search of hope and help to contact Birthline/Lifeline of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Palm Beach at (561) 738-2060.