Tax Collector’s Office Wins Two National Communications Awards

Palm Beach County Tax Collector Anne M. Gannon

Palm Beach County Tax Collector Anne M. Gannon recently announced that her agency was honored with two national awards, including a top prize, for its communications and marketing products.

The agency was recognized at the National Association of Government Communicators’ (NAGC) banquet held in Washington, D.C.

The Tax Collector’s Office won first place in the Best Grassroots Marketing Campaign category for its “Take Your Hour Back” campaign. This educational campaign emphasized more convenient methods for conducting business with the agency to help clients avoid waiting nearly one hour in line in a service center. The campaign included tips to make interactions more efficient and painless, including offering convenient payment options.

The agency also took home the Award of Excellence in the Most Improved Publication category for its 2019 Tax Planner & Services Guide. This award recognized the many design and readability improvements made to this popular publication.

“To be recognized nationally for our communications work is a significant accomplishment for our agency,” Gannon said. “We were competing against government agencies of all sizes, including federal, state and local organizations.”

Earlier this year, the Tax Collector’s Office earned local awards for communications and marketing excellence for its monthly newsletter, Tax Talk with Anne Gannon, and for several internal and external communications projects.