Art Society Will Feature Lynn Doyal Oct. 9

The Wellington Art Society will present a demonstration by member Lynn Doyal on Wednesday, Oct. 9 at the Wellington Community Center. A meet-and-greet begins at 6:30 p.m., followed by a member spotlight and a brief meeting. The evening will conclude with the demonstration by Doyal and an art raffle.

Doyal is a native Floridian who attended Nova High School in Davie and received her degree in fine art from the University of South Florida. Following graduation, she put her paint brushes down in favor of working in the corporate world. She worked for Exxon in New York for three years, transferring with them to Florida. She then left Exxon and worked for Xerox before starting her own company, Signature Chocolates, which specialized in providing premiums and incentives for corporations, hotels and cruise lines.

After raising her family, Doyal resumed her creative endeavors and developed her unique method of marrying contemporary design with old-school techniques using hand-stitching, beading, oil and acrylic paint, all done on canvas to bring her images to life in an innovative way. “This marriage of image, technique and materials is distinctive and causes people to talk about what they are seeing because there is nothing else like it,” Doyal said.

The Wellington Art Society is a nonprofit organization open to artists of all mediums and patrons of the arts. For more info., visit