Whole Foods Art Reception Oct. 18

The Wellington Art Society and Whole Foods Market in Wellington is currently showing an exhibit by Sandra Encaoua of her beautiful and unique paintings. The exhibit will be on display until the end of October. A reception will be held on Oct. 18 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Snacks and wine will be served. A donation of $5 will go to the Wellington Art Society Scholarship Fund.

Encaoua was born in Paris and is an acclaimed artist in France and many other European countries. She began painting and drawing as a young girl, teaching herself to mix several mediums until she had the perfect effect she wanted. She sometimes does watercolors when she wants a quick expression of the moment but works mainly in oils on large canvases. Her semi-abstract paintings reflect Encaoua’s love of nature and raw elements. Her landscapes and portraits are a mixture of flaming red with sparkling white and bright turquoise in paintings that infer strength, vitality and gentleness.

Encaoua won the 2013 competition of Young Talent in France, was the featured 2015 “Artist of the Day” on the famous web site Saatchi Art and won the 2017 French Award Arts-Sciences-Letters. She splits her time between Paris and Miami.