Women’s Group To Meet Dec. 5

The December meeting of the Women of the Western Communities will be held on Thursday, Dec. 5 at the Wellington National Golf Club (400 Binks Forest Drive, Wellington). A meet-and-mingle begins at 6 p.m., but everyone should arrive by 6:30 p.m. to check-in and be seated.

The meeting will feature a winter fundraiser ticket auction. Attendees place tickets in the bags by an auction item, and if the ticket is pulled, they win the item. The tickets are $20 for one card and an additional $10 for an added card of tickets, which includes a door prize ticket.

To RSVP, or if you have items to donate for the ticket auction, contact Mair Armand at (561) 635-0011 or mair.armand1@gmail.com.