Art Society To Feature Anita Lovitt Feb. 12

The Wellington Art Society will feature Anita Lovitt as the demonstrator at its Wednesday, Feb. 12 meeting at the Wellington Community Center. A meet-and-greet will begin at 6:30 p.m., followed by a member spotlight and a brief business meeting. Lovitt’s presentation will be the highlight of the meeting, followed by an art raffle.

Lovitt is a multitalented artist, designer, teacher and author. She was born and raised in Philadelphia. She majored in chemistry at Penn State University, but after taking a summer art course, she changed her major to art and graduated with a degree in illustration from the Philadelphia College of Art. She began her professional career as an artist with Hallmark in Kansas City. In order to expand her artistic experience, she studied theater design at the University of Kansas and moved to New York City to work as a freelance illustrator and later as a graphic design coordinator at the Shakespeare Festival.

In 2001, Lovitt moved to Delray Beach. Using her knowledge from theater school, she created the iconic “Dancing Pineapples” mural, which made a huge impact on downtown development for Delray Beach. She now serves on the Public Art Advisory Board of Delray Beach and created the “ArtFans” campaign, which gives out wood and paper fans at free events to promote good will and offer information about art in Delray Beach. Lovitt is a member of the Palm Beach Watercolor Society and just won a second-place prize at the group’s current show in Patch Reef Park.

The Wellington Art Society is a nonprofit organization open to artists of all mediums and patrons of the arts. For more info., visit