Tune Up Your Footing Facts With Premier Equestrian At Lunch & Learn

Heidi Zorn, president of Premier Equestrian Inc.

Horse arena footing has become a hot topic over the past 20 years. It has evolved from a simple sand surface to precisely engineered layers of base materials with mixtures of carefully chosen sands, textiles, fibers and rubber materials to protect and enhance horses’ health and performance.

Heidi Zorn, president of Premier Equestrian Inc., will be the featured speaker for the Winter Equestrian Festival’s weekly Lunch & Learn Series on Thursday, Feb. 27 at 11:30 a.m. “Footing Facts” will include an in-depth look at the effects that footing surfaces have on horses and the effect of riding on various surfaces over time. The Lunch & Learn lectures take place at the Wellington Club at the Palm Beach International Equestrian Center.

An entrepreneur and equestrian from Salt Lake City, Zorn is an expert in arena surface design. She is a repeat presenter at the Lunch & Learn series, having first presented her “Footing Facts” in 2016. “This series is like TED Talks for horse people,” Zorn said. “My topic is designed to inform people about the critical importance of the arena surface, the place that can make or break your horse.”

This lively session will include information about arena sand characteristics, footing products, types of surfaces for the dressage and jumping disciplines, as well as common construction and maintenance practices. The talk will also include the interaction between arena surfaces and equine biomechanics.

Premier Equestrian is North America’s leading supplier of high-quality footing products, arena groomers, base mat systems and arena consultation. For more info., visit www.premierequestrian.com or call (800) 611-6109.