Polo Park Principal Goes The Extra Mile For Teachers

Principal Michael Aronson visits science teacher Payton Nowling.

With his teachers working hard to uphold the high education standards of Polo Park Middle School, Principal Michael Aronson took it in his own hands, literally, to make sure they knew how appreciated they are.

Aronson personally delivered gift bags over two days to more than 80 teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week, which ran from May 4 to May 8.

Each of the teachers received a Polo Park windbreaker, a Yankee candle and a tag saying, “Happy Teachers’ Appreciation Week to an awesome teacher. Thank you for all you do.”

“I feel it’s a very important week and that it is important to make the teachers feel appreciated,” Aronson explained. “It was great to see the teachers. It was very rewarding to see the smiles on their faces when they realized why I was there.”

Alongside the gift by Aronson, the Polo Park Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) gave teachers an umbrella with the school logo on it and a message that said, “Rain or shine, thanks for being the greatest of all time!”

As soon as they got their surprise gifts, teachers hopped on social media and posted about how appreciated they felt.

“I am feeling extremely loved. My principal hand-delivered teacher appreciation gifts to my house,” Polo Park teacher Brittny Kirik said. “Mr. Aronson is the best. I’m missing my school a little extra today.”

Fellow teacher Alissa Strackman added, “Imagine my shock when my principal rang my doorbell. I am truly touched that he took the time to drop off a Teacher Appreciation Week gift to me. I am feeling the love from afar.”

The students of Polo Park also made their appreciation known by submitting pictures to Guidance Counselor Kelly Fredley, who put them together in a slide show sent to each teacher. The pictures were of the students holding signs saying how they missed and appreciated their teachers and all they do.

By Adriana Midence, Student Writer